Warbirds Over Monroe 2023

The second weekend in November 2023 was a poor weather weekend. But I was lucky in that I was able to go to this airshow on Sunday, rather than Saturday, which was the much better day out of the two. No rain delays on Sunday like there were on Saturday. Everything that was supposed to fly (or go fast) got the opportunity to do so.

I had a delayed start Sunday morning and arrived late to the airshow. Which meant I did not get my usual front row seating spot. So I decided to hang out near the Hot Ramp to catch the action from there. The changing weather conditions of overcast to partly cloudy to sunshine and back again made for some challenging shooting conditions. But it was exciting to get outside and enjoy a great end to the airshow season.


Video Screen Captures

I spent the majority of the Warbirds Over Monroe airshow taking video of the flying demonstrations. This meant I did not take as many photos of the aircraft while they were flying as I would normally do with a front row seat. So as I downloaded and edited the video footage for my Aerowephile YouTube channel, I pulled a number of my favorite images from the video clips and present them here.

Pre-Show Static Shots

I arrived to the Warbirds Over Monroe Airshow just as the first aircraft were taking off to begin the show. So I made a quick run over to the Hot Ramp and grabbed some shots of the aircraft awaiting their turn in the airshow.

Airshow Action

Once the airshow started, the action was happening quickly. Finding myself behind the crowds and off to the right side near the Hot Ramp, this gave me a bit of a different view than I am used to of this airshow.

Post Airshow Static Shots

At the end of the Warbirds Over Monroe Airshow, I walked from the right side Hot Ramp through the display area and over to the left side Hot Ramp where the Tora, Tora, Tora aircraft were staging from. There were several interesting aircraft parked inside the display area. And all the amazing Japanese replica aircraft of the Tora, Tora, Tora group were open to walk around at the second Hot Ramp.


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