P-8A Poseidon Flybys and Touch-N-Go’s

US Navy P-8A Poseidon Multimission Maritime Aircraft make use of airports all around the Southeast to practice Touch-n-Go’s and Missed Approaches. Tri-Cities Airport has become one of their semi-regular stops with several aircraft making an appearance each month. My workplace and my home are within the landing pattern of Tri-Cities Airport and this has allowed me to capture a number of the P-8A’s while they work the pattern. This gallery is a collection of the myriad images of the P-8A Poseidon that I have captured over the years.

List of P-8A Poseidon Aircraft that have appeared at KTRI: #326, #340, #428, #430, #432, #434, #549 (III), #762, #764, #848, #856

P-8A Poseidon turning onto Base Leg of the Tri-Cities Airport pattern. 01May20

Gear coming down on the P-8A Poseidon. 01May20

Friday evening arrival of a US Navy P-8A Poseidon (#434) to work the pattern at Tri-Cities Airport. Photos taken from my front yard as the Poseidon arrives and turns toward the airport for its first touch-n-go.


US Navy P-8A Poseidon (#428) arriving around 10:45 am in a heavy overcast. 28Apr20

US Navy P-8A Poseidon (#326) with gear down and seconds from making a touch-n-go landing. 27Apr20

Tri-Cities Airport terminal in the background as the Poseidon (#326) closes in on the runway. 27Apr20

Arrival on a rainy, overcast day of the P-8A to Tri-Cities Airport. 25Apr20

Arrival on a rainy, overcast day of the P-8A to Tri-Cities Airport. 25Apr20

P-8A Poseidon departing the area after finishing a round of Touch-n-Go landings. Only photo I could get of it as I didn’t get to the airport in time due to its early morning arrival. 22Apr20

P-8A Poseidon (#549) on final approach to land at Tri-Cities Airport. 16Apr20

April 2020 was a busy month for the P-8A Poseidons at Tri-Cities Airport. Lots of opportunities for me to capture some images of them flying.

Day six of a currently eight day consecutive visit from US Navy P-8A Poseidons to Tri-Cities Airport. This Poseidon (#549) arrived late in the day near sunset and worked the pattern before returning back to NAS Jacksonville.


US Navy P-8A Poseidon (#549) arrival over Bristol to begin a round of Touch-n-Go landings at Tri-Cities Airport. This photo is from day two of a currently eight day consecutive Poseidon visit to Tri-Cities Airport.


Two US Navy P-8A Poseidons working the pattern together at Tri-Cities Airport. 09May16


US Navy P-8A Poseidon #848 on approach to land at Tri-Cities Airport. 26Mar20

US Navy P-8A making a lunchtime appearance at KTRI. But the radar is not showing the aircraft Type or flight path as the Poseidon departs after only making a pair of Touch-n-Go’s. 26Mar20

Second appearance today of a US Navy P-8A Poseidon to work the pattern at KTRI. 26Mar20

A second US Navy P-8A Poseidon (#856) makes a late evening arrival at KTRI to work the pattern. 26Mar20


Touch-n-Go Visitors at Tri-Cities Airport


McGhee Tyson Spotting - 16Jun21